Conducting Human Rights Due Diligence: Our commitment and code of conduct

hummel´s code of conduct:

At hummel, we are committed to supporting the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights to make sure that we are not complicit in human rights violations, both in respect of employees and partners, but also on a larger societal level. hummel´s Code of Conduct is built on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO´s Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the OECD´s Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Our Code of Conduct is based on the universal declaration of human rights (UDHR), the fundamental ILO conventions and the OECD´s guidelines. It furthermore includes preventive measures and expectations to our suppliers, based on our own experience and knowledge of general violations in the textile and footwear sector. Hummel´s Code of Conduct is a living document. It is updated on an ongoing basis depending on developments in the textile and garment sector.

All of our suppliers must sign hummel´s code of conduct and supplier manual, agreeing to adhere to our chemical restrictions, quality standards, and our commitment to human and environmental rights. It is shared in English and relevant local languages.

Besides our code of conduct, our suppliers must fill out a supplier information form, share audit reports and disclose information related to their human rights policies. We encourage our suppliers to develop their own code of conduct or cascade hummel´s code of conduct to their upstream suppliers.

Hummel´s Code of Conduct addresses topics related to: 

  • Compliance with local laws
  • Human Rights Due Diligence & Transparency
  • Complaint mechanism
  • Banned practices
  • Animal welfare
  • Responsible material sourcing
  • Child labour
  • Harassment or abuse
  • Non-discrimination
  • Health and safety
  • Fire safety
  • Health
  • Wages & benefits
  • Work hours
  • Overtime
  • Forced labour
  • Migrant Labour
  • Freedom of association
  • Environmental conditions
  • Anti-corruption policy

Besides hummel´s own commitment, Thornico´s commitment can be found on: Company Karma - Sustainable growth (